Green Wedding Dress

Nowadays in European culture every wedding dress is almost the same color. It's seldom different than white or beige. This seems natural for us that we can't wear anything else - not especially blue, green or yellow dress. Sometimes we can find red wedding dresses or even black but their colors don't mean anything to us. Centuries ago each color had its own meaning.

Not as far ago women were wearing wedding dresses in different colors. It was even in the 19th-century that gowns weren't universal as they are today. We can find a few statements about the color and its meaning. For example wearing green dress was suppose to bring bad luck and blue was favoured-except.

Some of the meanings are good and some are bad. And what's important, not only white dress was suppose to bring luck - pink was also fine cause it could bring beloved one thoughts. Can we imagine today's bride in a pink wedding dress?

Great example of what people believed about colors of wedding dresses is a simple rhyme that tells everything itself. The rhyme comes from 19th-century and is easy to remember. It goes like that:

"Married in green, ashamed to be seen
Married in grey, will go far away
Married in red, wish yourself dead
Married in blue, always be true
Married in yellow, ashamed of your fellow
Married in black, wish yourself back
Married in pink, of you he'll think
Married in white, sure to go right."

These days we can also find one popular rhyme that refers to color worn at the wedding day by the bride. Everyone has probably heard simple words like: "'Something old, something new, something borrowed, something BLUE'. In this meaning blue things (or thing) are suppose to bring us luck.

Surely this blue thing won't be a dress.

By: michal costaminnego

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