Why Does Mystery The Pick Up Artist Pick Up Women With Magic Tricks?
There are many reasons that Mystery would use magic to pick up girls, not least of which is the ability of magic to cause curiosity and intrigue in girls. Beyond merely entertaining them, it allows a guy to stand out as unique among other guys trying to approach women.
Done incorrectly however, magic tricks can make you look a little cheesy. This is the feeling that most guys have about using magic to pick up girls, thus they never learn.
Mystery the Pick Up Artist and Mystery the Magician are probably very different in the types of tricks they perform. It is my belief that when Mystery is in a club doing magic to impress girls, he's using spontaneous and close up magic tricks with everyday objects that do not portray him as "trying" to use magic to pick up girls. Rather, that it is a natural extension of his personality and a skill that other guys do not possess.
It is doubtful that Mystery pulls out a deck of cards or sponge-bunnies to perform for a girl because that would come off as obnoxious and overly obvious. However, by making a beer bottle float or a cigarette disappear, it is much more appropriate for the venue.
Why has Mystery not taught magic to his students? Mystery is one of the most prolific pick up artist trainers in the world, certainly the most famous. He teaches every aspect of seduction and attraction but he leaves this skill out. Students who were interested in using magic in their game had to go out and learn it themselves, hoping they were learning the right tricks and how to use them and not like some dancing monkey or birthday party magician.
This was a major problem until recently when Brad Jackson released PUMA Skills, the P.U.M.A stands for "Pick Up Magic Artist" and he picks up where Mystery, Pick Up Artist left off. He teaches guys how to use magic in their games effectively while avoiding all the mistakes other guys make.
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