Helpful Tips From the Pros For Selecting Window Blinds

One thing is for certain now and that is that there are far more types and styles in window blinds to choose from then ever before. While this new selection does make the task of choosing your window blinds all that more exciting, it can at the same time, make it a little more difficult.

Great Advice a Hunter Douglas Blinds Company Rep

Hunter Douglas Blinds is one of the countries premier supplier of windows blinds and when contacted recently for some input on the subject, their company rep had more then a a few good words of advice to offer.

Take Accurate Window Measurements

The first thing that you will want to know is that accurate window measurements are imperative! Use a good tape measure and make sure you don't get your height and width measurements mixed up or confused. Believe it it is easy to do!

How Much Of the Wall Do You Want Your Blinds to Cover

Also you will definitely want to decide ahead of time how far past the blinds are going to run by the window or windows that you are measuring. Have a friend help you by holding the end of the tape measure.

Dust Shows All Too Well On Light Colored Window Blinds

Another good tip is to take a good look around your environment to see how much ambient dust you are involved with. For instance, if your home is on a ranch or in a rural setting where dust can be a regular issue then take that into account when choosing your colors. Stay away from white.

Window Blinds and Kids in The Home

If you have active children in your home then you may want to give serious consideration to going with vertical or "upright slat" window blinds. The problem you see, is that kids have a tendency to reach up and mangle horizontal blinds, particularly the metal type.

About the Author

Written by George Agustus. Find the latest information on Window Blinds Hunter Douglas Blinds

Find more : window curtain , window blinds , house interior


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