Starting A Painting Business
One of the huge appeals to individuals or groups considering starting painting business is that there is always a strong desire for this service. Homeowners looking to sell their houses can increase the value of their home for little investment by hiring a house painter. Even for homeowners not currently looking to sell their home, having their house painted, either indoors or outdoors increases the aesthetic beauty and can great bring out the visual appeal of their home of their house.
Be aware that it is not an easy task to start a painting business but that it requires very little investment initially. It isn't complicated, but it will take some research and some knowledge of the laws and rules the state and/or county requires depending on the area you will be offering painting services.
Home improvement stores usually have classes one can take to get better at indoor or outdoor painting as well as learn what the best painting supplies and paint a professional should be using. Call your home improvement store and inquire within to see what kind of group instruction of classes they offer.
When you are considering starting a painting business, expect that much of the work you will have to do on your own. House painting is a physically intensive business and because you won't be able to hire a team of painters and management right away, much of the labor you will have to do on your own. Do have people that you can call on to help you out if you are in a time crunch or are unable to follow through on a job. Paying someone to do the work is a lot better then skipping out on a painting job all together.
Offer family and friends free or discounted painting services. This will not only help you to get better as a professional painter, but it will give you many contacts through word of mouth marketing. When your friends and family are happy with your work, they will talk about it with others.
Word of mouth advertising is going to be better for your painting business then any hundreds of dollars you could spend on advertising. When you are ready to do a advertising campaign, post on craigslist, print up fliers and post in grocery store bulletin boards, put notice in the newspaper.
Small businesses are a great way for individuals to earn extra money. Starting a painting business is just another great formula for success to get out from under any debts and survive in a tough economic market.
Find more : Painting Services , Exterior painting , interior painting , painting business , painting job