Six Secrets of a Successful Yahoo! Store Design
Ecommerce has evolved and it's no longer a rocket science nor does it cost a hand a leg to start your dream online venture. You can actually start selling in minutes with no upfront investment and that too sell like a pro. Hints, hints, hints - yeah you have discovered the magic wand - the Yahoo! Merchant Solution's ecommerce system.
While you can indeed start selling well using the default setup, it's only half the potential you would use of the world's most popular ecommerce system. A professional design or redesign of Yahoo! Store can boost the performance (read your profitability) by many times, of course if done well.
Yahoo! Ecommerce system has been around for almost a decade now and almost all of the top selling stores were redesigned and extended with custom RTML features. You must be wondering by now what exactly a redesign does to a Yahoo! Store which makes it so powerful. Sure there are several important factors associated with a redesign and it's equally important to know them to be able to get the most out of it.
Consider your Yahoo! Store as a warrior which is going to win the success war online for you from your well established competitors. Now because you spent nothing upfront and got a rented warrior doesn't mean you can't defeat your enemies. Here is how:
1. Wings are opened - a competent yahoo store designer/developer would rewrite the templates of your store to open up its wings. I literally mean 'wings' as it makes your store fly while your competitors can only walk or may be able to run in the sky of Usability, SEO and Conversion apart from design and structure.
2. Maximum customization - You need not be worried that your warrior could be taken any less seriously because it looks like several others. The default template system only lets you select from few color schemes and change your logo/header etc. However a redesign helps infuse your brand in each and every part of your store and it's no longer a boilerplate template but your own branded online store. After all brand matters in any business.
3. Weapons are loaded - If you heard that "Yahoo! Store" is the strongest warrior among all ecommerce solutions, a redesign of the store helps load it with customized weapons (read RTML features/enhancements), all the popular ones. Some of them (e.g. Automatic Meta tags generation) are only made for this platform. That too you can still load products using a CSV database file - the same way.
4. Never breaks down - Not even for a second even while the wings are being opened, branding is being maximized or weapons are being loaded, it simply never breaks. The lifeline (default set of templates) always remains intact.
5. Always remains secure - Just because a lot of things have been added doesn't mean it leaves room for any vulnerability. The checkout system remains intact while it can be customized to match the rest of the site design.
6. More reach, maximum ROI - the bottom line, with a redesign its able to get the maximum reach (SEO friendly features are enabled), convert even more (marketing features) and provide you the maximum return on your investment (ROI).
Having known these 'six secrets and benefits of a Yahoo! Store Design' I am sure you would want to equip your store with the best of it. As you did not make an initial investment with this ecommerce system, you can use your surplus budget to get it redesigned. If you do not have a budget at all, you sure could start with the default one and earn some money out of it before making this wise investment.
The best thing about the custom design of a Yahoo! Store is that while it maximizes the performance of your store, makes it even easier for your customers, it doesn't add a bit of complexity for you in managing it. You use the same 'Store Manager' and 'Store Editor' systems to manage your store and same database upload method/file to upload products.
Shubie Kumar is a leading Ecommerce Consultant and owns a Yahoo! Store Design company Website4Retail.
He is rated as the top ecommerce expert on LinkedIn for his valuable contributions.
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