45 Reasons to Use Online Registration Software

1. Eliminate Data Entry. Traditional forms of registration rely on fax or mail-in registration. This means event organisers must manually enter all the data from the registrants into a computer, or worse, create some kind of paper filing system. The potential for errors is significant and the time it takes to manually organise the data can be excessive. With online registration, the registrant enters their information into an online form. When the registrants submit their information through this form, it is automatically organised and stored in an online database that the organiser can immediately access, anywhere, anytime.

2. Built in logic. An online registration form can prevent people from making invalid or conflicting selections, and results in more accurate and complete data. For example, if someone leaves an important section blank and tries to submit the form, the built in logic of the form can create a message asking the person to fill that section in before continuing. Similarly, if a registrant must choose between one option or another, the form can eliminate the possibility of the registrant choosing both options. This is not possible with fax or mail-in registrations.

3. Less printing. Online registration means that you can present your entire event information package online. There is no need to pay for the printing of registration forms or expensive information packages and there will be more fax paper left in your fax machine.

4. Reduce errors. With fax or mail-in registrations, the potential exists for organisers to make an error when manually transferring the data to a computer, either inadvertently or perhaps because the handwriting on the registration form is illegible. With online registration this is much less likely because the registrant knows how to spell his or her own name, for example, and is therefore not likely to misspell it. Once they submit the information on the form, it is automatically stored. There is no opportunity for someone else along the line to misread the data and enter it incorrectly.

5. Automatic event confirmation. Once a registrant submits their information through the online registration form, the system generates a confirmation email that is sent to the registrant confirming their registration. This email can also contain other information the organiser may want registrants to know once they have registered. With fax and mail-in registration confirmation is delayed as the organisers must manually process the registration, check availability and then manually create a confirmation email or letter. This is a highly inefficient use of an event organiser’s precious time.

6. Manage event capacity by applying automatic registration limits. Often, you want to limit the number of attendees to an event. With the old manual method there was no easy way to do this. Faxes might still be coming in when you had reached your event limit and then you would have to contact those registrants to let them know that you couldn’t process their registration because the event was full. With online registration, however, you can set the online form so that it limits the number of registrants to a particular event, or even to seminars and workshops within an event. Once the limit has been reached the form will not allow any more registrations and it will notify potential registrants that the registration limit has been reached. Obviously, you can also build some leeway into your limit to allow for your estimate of no-shows.

7. Real-time credit card processing gives certainty. When you use real-time online credit card processing, you get more of a commitment from participants. Within a few seconds they know if the transaction has been approved and you have the security of knowing you have the fees. Otherwise you may be waiting for a cheque and, in the meantime, you may have to put other registrants on a wait list until you know for sure that a registrant is attending.

8. Data inconsistencies are eliminated. With manual registration systems, information may be spread around in different folders, filing systems or different people may have different versions of attendee lists on their computers etc. This creates a real potential for inconsistencies, errors and headaches for both you and your customers. With online registration systems all of the information is held in one central database that can be accessed by authorised organisers from anywhere at anytime. Any changes or updates to the system are done automatically. Everyone sees the same information.

9. No deciphering messy handwriting or distorted faxes. Most faxes are hand-written and not everyone has the neatest handwriting, especially if they have to fill out several different fax-in registrations. Deciphering them can lead to errors or wasted time following up with people to try and clear up illegible information. Online registration eliminates this problem. Responses are typed in to the online form.

10. Totals are always correct. Online forms can be programmed to total all costs and fees associated with each individual registrant and with the registered group as a whole. Once the programming is complete and tested you are assured of getting the correct total for every registration. Having a computer calculate the totals is also instant and much more convenient for the participants and the event planners.

11. Better Data integrity. A common challenge in event planning is maintaining your data so that what you need is stored in one place, not on several different computers, in filing cabinets or on various desks throughout the office! Online registration means all your data is located in one database, making it consistent and up-to-date at all times.

12. Increased productivity. Since your data is consistent and automatically updated all the time, your resources (people) are free to work on other important tasks in the planning and implementation of your event rather than being bogged down with data entry.

13. Lower printing costs. Instead of paying for a detailed glossy event brochure and mailing it out, online registration lets you print a smaller, less detailed brochure that will direct potential participants to your website for all the information they need, including how to register online.

14. Growing acceptance of online registration. Online registration is an increasingly popular way of registering for all kinds of events. More and more, people are beginning to expect it as an alternative, if not the primary method of registering for an event.

15. More Manageable information. Using online registration means all your data is stored on one online database. You can access and sort the information online, or you can automatically download it to a spreadsheet, making it easy to create mailing lists or print name tags or whatever you need.

16. Credit cards can be processed online. Online credit card processing allows people registering for an event to process their own transactions. This eliminates the need for Event Planners to individually process each transaction and from having to track people down when cards are declined because the number is incorrect or funds are not available.

17. Mandatory Fields can be set. A mandatory field is one that must be completed before the participant can submit the registration. If a mandatory field is not filled in, the person registering will see a message asking them to complete the field. This feature helps to obtain more complete registration information.

18. Keep event suppliers up to date. Event planners can easily keep event suppliers up to date by using online reports. Specific online reports can be created for caterers, DJ’s, badge printers etc. As an example, when participants make meal selections, an online report can show the caterer how many of each meal type has been requested.

19. Better image for events. As online registration becomes more and more popular, event participants will expect to be able to register online. Some participants may perceive an event as out of date if online registration is not available.

20. Online registration is always open. With online registration people are able to register anytime, day or night. This is especially important when dealing with people from different time zones. Information is available online and participants can still make payment and get their confirmation email when the Event Planner's office is closed.

21. Print accurate name tags. Since the people who register online enter their own information it is more likely to be correct. You can then download this information

22. Easily notify participants of changes. Online registration forms require an email address from the participant. As soon as they submit their information they are sent a confirmation email. If there are any changes or important announcements it is easy to take their emails and then send out a group email notifying all participants.

23. Reduce labour costs. Online registration requires much less manual labour than conventional registration methods. Less phone calls, faxes, data entry, copying, mailing etc.

24. Access registration data anytime. The online registration database is live all the time and is continuously and automatically updated. It can be accessed from anywhere, any time as long as you have access to the internet.

25. Calculate totals automatically. Online registration forms have built-in logic. They automatically calculate totals for fees based on the participants selections. This is more accurate and more convenient for everybody.

26. Less time spent preparing mailings. When you are providing information online, it is not necessary to prepare and send detailed information to potential event participants. A simple mailing or email is enough to direct people to where they can find all of the details and register.

27. Data can be imported into other software packages. You are able to download the data from an online registration system in a format that is compatible with nearly all database programs. This means that you will not have to re-enter the data to merge it with your current database or to manage it in other programs.

28. Status reports to clients. Event planners often need to prepare reports for their clients to keep them informed of what is happening with registration and revenue. This information is easily accessible and always current with online registration. The event planner can even give their client a password with read only access so they can check the status themselves.

29. No design/programming required. There is no need to be able to design your own database, spreadsheet or online form as the online registration company will already have this set-up. You will often be able to give your input into the look of your online form, but won’t have to worry about actually building it.

30. Changes on-the-fly. Changes such as dates, times, prices or other details can be made to the online form after registration has begun. With a printed form, once it’s printed and mailed you can’t change it.

31. Send data to other vendors. Since registration data is stored in a database, it can be exported to a file and other vendors can import it into their systems. Some examples of vendors are ticket and badge printing companies.

32. Easily keep track of collected and outstanding revenue. With real time online reporting you always know how much revenue has been collected, if any credit cards were declined and which participants still need to mail their cheques.

33. Less postage charges. With online registration you will likely be sending smaller information packages or maybe none at all if the information is available on your website. Once you have a database of email addresses, you can eliminate all mailing for some events.

34. If you don't use online registration, some people might not register. Online registration is fast becoming the standard for event registration. Many people now expect the option to register online and may decide to not take the time to register by fax or mail.

35. Data can be more secure. When you are using an online registration service company, the provider will be responsible for backing up the data. These back ups are likely to be more robust than what most small businesses use.

36. Always have up to the minute details on registration. Since the online reports are updated as soon as a registration is made, all you have to do is login to get the latest data. No more adding up totals or making lists.

37. Ability to ask survey questions or gather additional data. With online registration it’s very little additional work to ask a few survey type questions during registration. The data can be used to provide demographic information to sponsors or to help with planning the event.

38. Drive traffic to your website. Many organisations spend a lot of time and money trying to get people to go to their website. Online registration is a perfect way to get people familiar with your site. Once they are there, they can register and access all of the other information you have.

39. Possibility for participants to change their data after the initial submittal. It is possible for event participants to change some of their registration details after making their original registration without having to contact the event planner. This makes things easier for both the participant and the planner.

40. Ability to make last minute changes. With an online form it is possible to make changes once registration has started. For example, if a dinner or seminar option becomes unavailable it can be removed or changed on the online from. With a paper form, once it’s printed and mailed it’s too late to make changes.

41. Credit cards are approved or declined at the time of registration. This means event planners do not have to spend time following up on bad credit card numbers or declined transactions. The system will automatically process the transaction as long as the card is valid and funds are available.

42. To keep up with your competitors. Almost everyone is using online registration and event participants are now expecting it. If you don’t have it, you may be losing event participants to competitors who do.

43. Help drive traffic to your website. Everyone wants to generate traffic to their website. Online registration is a perfect way to get people to your site and then to show them what else you have to offer.

44. Build an email database of participants. Using online registration will automatically build an email and contact information database. You can use this information for marketing your business or your next event.

45. Build your brand. Online forms can be branded to exactly match your website. To build a strong brand, you need to expose people to it as much as possible



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