Benefits of Maintaining a Diet Rich in Raw Foods

Constipation, bloating, lethargy, depression, and unnecessary weight gains are just some of the results of consuming what is considered a “normal” diet in the modern world today. Many experts also feel that the current diets maintained by many people today is in fact a major contributor to the many diseases encountered in much of the modern world. Perhaps our long held traditions of cooking most of what we eat are not the best way to go.

In fact, many individuals today are re-discovering the ancient benefits associated with consuming raw foods. More and more people are beginning to realize that many of the preprocessed foods found in today’s society don’t provide nearly enough to maintain the healthy mind and body they desire. These same individuals are actually looking back to what our ancient ancestors, and even to what some of the so-called “primitive cultures” of today are eating…to re-discover the benefits of consuming a diet rich in natural raw foods.

At this point, there are probably many of you reading this who are saying “but what about the taste factor…and can we really digest uncooked food properly?” With those questions (and others) in mind, lets take a look at both the myths and benefits associated with a raw food diet.

A raw food diet can, in most cases, provide many more nutrients that the body needs for optimum health…than a diet consisting mainly of cooked foods

That fact that most raw foods are packed with far more nutrients than their cooked counterparts is one of the biggest reasons people choose to pursue a diet rich in natural raw foods. As most of us already know, the more essential nutrients we can get through our foods…the better we will generally feel.

Our body’s cells thrive with proper nutrient intake…that in turn, boost our immune systems, and increases our vitality and longevity.

Unfortunately, when most foods are cooked above 105 degrees Fahrenheit…they start to lose some of these vital nutrients necessary for cell regeneration and optimum health. Even more disturbing…is the fact that some of these foods will become more toxic to the body after they have been cooked than when they were in their raw forms.

Through proper knowledge, natural changes in food cravings, and the abundance of recipes available to the raw food advocate, raw foods can be just as tasty (or even better tasting) than cooked foods

One big complaint about raw food is the taste factor. Many feel that raw food is just not as appetizing as cooked food. While relatively speaking, there may definitely be some taste difference at first…is it really right to subject our bodies to an endless supply of excessive fats, salt, and other nutrient deficient foods and substances passed off as food (junk food) just to satisfy our currently “warped” taste buds.

As most of us have experienced in the past, when we actually begin to change to a more healthy diet…our cravings for unhealthy foods diminish also. This is also true for a diet consisting of mostly raw foods. As we consume more and more raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and other sources of raw foods…our bodies actually begin to crave these nutrient rich foods.

On top of the obvious health benefits of consuming a diet rich in raw foods, there are now many wonderful recipes available that can truly bring out the tasty natural flavors in most foods. Due to the growing popularity of raw food diets in today’s society there are now a vast array of tantalizing recipes out there that can help provide a great blend of the natural flavors associated with these raw foods…and create truly great dining experiences.

Many times, heating foods can destroy vital enzymes necessary for proper digestion

Another concern with eating a diet consisting mostly of raw foods is that it will be harder for our bodies to digest the food than it’s cooked version. In truth, when we cook foods above 105 degrees Fahrenheit…we not only cook away vital nutrients, but also destroy the enzymes necessary for proper digestion.

The valuable enzymes not only assist with digestion, but they also help with the absorption of food. Without these necessary enzymes, we tend to feel bloated, constipated, and lethargic…and lack of proper digestion actually causes us to eat more, which in turn creates weight gains.

While eating a diet consisting of just raw foods may be too intense for many, the benefits of a diet high in natural raw foods may be just what’s needed to regain a more healthy body full of vitality with just the right balance for increased longevity

Many proponents of the raw food diet feel that there is an increased “life force” associated with raw food than what can be found in cooked foods. Many people actually feel that this important life force can be cooked out of many foods…robbing us of the vital energy necessary for healthy lifestyle.

So is it necessary to totally deprive ourselves of eating less nutrient rich foods? (cooked or otherwise)

Personally, I feel there is still a place for these less nutritious foods…but as we pursue a more healthy diet consisting of a rich blend of natural raw foods, our cravings for these other inferior types of foods will become less and less.

While we have discussed some of the most important points associated with maintaining a diet high in raw foods, I encourage you to truly explore this valuable subject further…and maybe you will find that increasing your raw food intake will help provide the healthy mind, body, and soul we all seek to have.

(ArticlesBase ID #734159)
James Noyes

James Noyes is a researcher, writer, entrepreneur, and developer of The Abundant LifePlan website. Explore this valuable website to learn more about the benefits, vitality, and longevity associated with an Alternative Health lifestyle at:


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