Mass Transit Versus Private Transport: Safety Comparison

When you think of mass transit, you naturally think of buses, railroads, airplanes, and subways. Every time something goes wrong, people stay away from mass transit for some time, then go back with trepidation. However, the statistics concerning mass transit accidents are actually quite low when compared to private transportation.

If you compare public to private transportation, you will find that it is much safer to take public transportation. In fact, buses are over 170 times safer than driving your car for errands or to work. That is a dramatic decline in accidents, both fatal and non-fatal, when compared to automobile travel.

Looking at flight statistics, you will find that statistics are figured per one hundred thousand flight hours, or by the number of departures. When utilizing the departure method to find safety statistics, we learn that scheduled flights have accidents less that one-fourth of a percent. Non-scheduled flights increase this to just over one and one-fourth of a percent.

Given the number of departures every day, the numbers for fatalities and non-fatalities flight statistics are incredibly low. Less than 189 millionths of a percent per 100,000 scheduled flights for non-fatalities, and less than 431 thousandths of a percent for non-scheduled flights for fatalities. The only reason that people have concerns about flying is that when there is an accident, they can result in many fatalities all at once.

As a total to compare public transport in a mass transit system to traveling by private automobile, just over 1 percent of all public transport accidents end in fatalities compared to nearly 15 percent of all reported car accidents ending in fatalities.

All mass transit terminals and the transport itself have taken steps to ensure safety not only while waiting for the arrival, but also while on the preferred mode of transportation.

So, while safety is always a concern regardless of the mode of transportation, individuals can feel relieved to know that mass transit options are extremely safe.

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If you or someone you love has been injured in an auto accident or another type of transportation accident, speaking with personal injury lawyers or wrongful death lawyers is the first step in protecting your rights and the rights of your loved ones.

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Learning your Legal rights from Los Angeles Vehicle Rollover Crash Lawyers

Due to many cases of vehicle rollover crashes that are reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), most people now are fully aware of the risks, situations and prevention from such unlikely eventualities.

Take the City of Los Angeles, where the people are well learned about the common situations that can potentially trigger vehicle rollover like preventive measures that is crucial in times of need.

However, despite the awareness by the public of the complex considerations of vehicle rollover involvement, still many of them have no real knowledge about their legal rights to claim compensation in mishaps such as this one. People become passive in this regard, and have not taken any step in learning their constitutive rights.

This should not be the case, especially where huge number of the mass is using vehicles as their medium of transportation. People should take turn in knowing the all-important legal rights that is linked to this kind of situation.

Thus, because of this, the Los Angeles Vehicle Rollover Crash Lawyers have made this condensed guide all relating to the legal rights of a victim in fatal vehicle overturn situations.

Legal Rights

Situation 1:

Unlike any ordinary auto accident, vehicle rollover crash commonly involves a single-car accident. Whenever this particular mishap happens, your legal rights involve:

A. Filing of a claim against the manufacturer of the vehicle under the design, negligence and/or strict liability Each state has its own laws that govern responsibility for defective motor vehicle products and degrees of proof needed to establish liability.

In Los Angeles, when a motor vehicle accident is caused by manufacturer errors or design flaws, the victim can hold the vehicle manufacturer, the manufacturer of defective component parts such as hoses and tires and dealers liable under products liability.

The liabilities of the foregoing subjects cover accountability for any injuries and losses caused to the victim because of the defective manufacture of the vehicle.

B. Filing of a claim against the government entity tasked for the maintenance of roads and highway including motorists' safety

Whenever defective conditions of roads, utilities, lighting and traffic signs have caused or contributed to the accident, you can file constitutive claims for compensation for your injuries against such governmental entity that have been negligent in maintaining the roads and related facilities in good condition.

Situation 2:

When vehicle rollover crash involves two or multiple vehicles, your constitutive legal rights include:

A. File a claim or case against the other driver that have caused your car to overturn

Whenever someone is negligent in driving while traversing a road that caused your car to rollover ending with a crash, you can make the person liable for any injury or property damage that you get from such reckless action. A pertinent personal injury case can be filed against the erring driver coupled with a claim of compensation for property damage.

B. File an insurance claim

In all vehicle accidents, including vehicle rollover crash, the victims have the right to claim reimbursement from the insurance company of the erring party. This is customary in all accident involvement and litigations.

The foregoing are the basic legal rights in matters of a claim for compensation that every victim can wage in vehicle rollover crashes.

To have clear lights on these respects, confer with a qualified Vehicle Rollover Crash Lawyers. The lawyer will give you detailed account of the topic and can give you clear explanation and guidance.

About the Author

To help you with vehicle rollover crash and other car accident related issues, you can consult with our skilled Los Angeles personal injury lawyers by logging to our website and have your case evaluated.

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What is Supercross Motorcycle Racing?

Have you heard of supercross motorcycle racing before? Supercross motorcycle racing is a sport that is popular in America. However, despite that popularity, there are still many individuals who have no idea what supercross is. If you are one of those individuals, you are urged to learn about this sport. It is so fun, exciting, and action packed that there is a good chance that you will be a supercross motorcycle fan, in no time at all.

If you enjoy watching professional racing, especially NASCAR, there is a good chance that you will also enjoy supercross motorcycle racing. This is because, like most other forms of racing, supercross is an action packed, competitive sport. If you are watching a supercross race, whether that race is live or televised, you will likely be on the edge of your seat.

Although supercross was earlier compared to NASCAR, you will find that the two actually have little in common, besides the fact that they are both popular and both are focused on racing. While NASCAR uses traditional race cars, also sometimes referred to as sports cars, supercross uses motorcycles. What is unique about these motorcycles is that they are not the ones that you regularly see on the highway; they are off-road bikes made especially for off-road racing.

In addition to using off-road motorcycles, supercross varies from a number of other forms of racing, especially when it comes to the racing surface. Like many other forms of racing, including asphalt racing or traditional dirt track racing, you will find that supercross racing events take place on man-made tracks. These man-made tracks are often indoors. The tracks will vary, depending on the type of supercross race, but most tracks have numerous obstacles, which include jumps. The goal of supercross is to maneuver your motorcycle throughout the track to finish first.

As previously mentioned, the type of man-made track will all depend on the type of supercross race being run. Supercross is a professional racing sport, but it is not just limited to professional racing. Men, women, and children from all across the United States have started taking part in this fun and exciting sport. Those riders are often referred to as amateur supercross racers. Amateur supercross racers may race at a local track. In fact, many local individuals and business owners have come together to sponsor local supercross drivers, as well as provide funding for the tracks. Although these events may not be considered professional, they are rapidly increasing in popularity. In fact, they are so popular that you may even have a local supercross or motocross track in or around your neighborhood.

In addition to local supercross tracks, there are many individuals who have made their own. Although most professional supercross racing tracks are indoor tracks, most amateurs have or use ones that are outdoors. A large number of want-to-be professional riders have made the decision to develop a track in their own backyard or in nearby fields. However, the only downside to doing this is that racers are often on their own. In the event that an accident occurs, it may be more difficult to obtain help, when compared to racing at professional tracks and sanctioned events.

Now that you know what supercross motorcycle racing is, you may either want to become a fan or a racer. Whichever you wish to be, there is a good chance that you will be enjoying the sport of supercross motorcycle racing for years to come.

About the Author

I just make some blogs that may be useful for you. That is about the Harley Motorcycle, Computer Hardware and Computer Games. If you are interested you can visit my blog and get all the information about the topics. It's FREE... Thanks You.

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Meet The Girl Bike Riders

Many ladies have expressed the desire to learn to ride a motorbike nowadays. It appears more and more female riders have been taking up the sport recently, and for excellent reasons. Riding a motorbike gives a thrill that is tricky to describe in words--you simply have to try it yourself to grasp it. Learning how to ride a motorcycle isn't just limited to'the boys' any longer ; it's now very common to see female bike riders cruising down the highway or carving thru twisting canyon roads.

However, female motorcyclists do face certain challenges when it comes to choosing an appropriate motorcycle to ride. Most motorbike manufacturers design motorbikes for riders who are around 5'10' tall, which would sometimes be very tall for a woman. Female riders are statistically shorter than men, so they require a motorbike which has a lower seat height. Not only that, the seat should be a little more narrow as well, to let the female rider reach the ground totally with both her feet.

But having a low seat height is just the start when choosing a good motorbike for ladies. The foot controls of the motorbike should be comfortable to use, and the handlebars and hand controls should be well in reach of a woman's usually shorter arms. The front brake and clutch should also be adjustable for use with smaller hands. Physically speaking, women riders also have a lower center of balance and less muscular strength in the upper body. Riding a motorbike usually doesn't require great muscular power, but some motorcycles are a little simpler to handle than others.

At the end of the good news is that you can always choose to supply your motorbike with certain accessories like a lower seat or narrower seat padding, or lower the rear suspension in order to make the motorbike fit you perfectly. It may cost a bit or money, but little things make a big difference when it comes to comfort and safety while you ride.

For the woman who wants to be taught how to ride a motorcycle, getting moral support from your friends and family can also make a massive difference in reducing any intimidation which arises from the novel experience of learning to ride a tough two-wheeled machine. Resolution and consistent practice will aid in helping you discover how to ride a motorbike quickly and safely.

Female Bikers are becoming more common, Its not just in the USA. More and more female bikers in Japan,Europe and Asia are taking to the roads. And bike manufacturers and catering to female bike riders tatstes and requirments.
Also helmet manufactures have released smaller sizes and colors to appeal to the female bike riding consumer.

And if you want to meet up with female or male bikers in your city or all over the world be sure to check out the link below.

Meet the Real Girl Bike Riders!

About the Author

Motorcycle loving writer.
Visit my site and meetfemale-bikers from all over the world.

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Bahasa Malaysia and Flowers

First, the inedible flowers. In Bahasa Malaysia, flowers on tyres does not mean the pretty part of a plant enveloped by delicate petals. When a traffic policeman warns you that there are "no flowers" on your tyres, he is actually saying the tyres are so badly worn that he himself cannot see the tread patterns anymore. Oh, oh! You are in trouble with the Malaysian traffic law.

At the end of a financial year, employees look forward to "flowers" from Malaysian bosses. Most probably, an extra month's bonus of salary is as beautiful as flowers in their eyes. The same thought applies to "flowers" given by the banks, in this case, it is the interest. The lucky worker who receives "flowers" from his boss and bank can afford to buy "fiery flowers". He ignites the fuse of a "fiery flower" to send it shooting high up into the sky where it blossoms into a grand display of fireworks.

As with other cultures, the female gender is considered a figurative flower in Bahasa Malaysia. A teenage girl is a "bud" who soon matures into "a flower in the garden" meaning she is single and available to be picked as a wife. If a man chooses her to be "the flower adorning" his hair, he marries her. By using beauty products flooding the Malaysian market, a married woman doesn't have to go out of shape after having children. She can still be "the flower" of a social gathering, that is, the fairest of them all.

A grand social event such as a Malay wedding calls for "assorted flowers". Various flowers are mixed with shredded leaves of pandanus, rough skinned lime and perfume in a small basket. This basket is placed in the nuptial chamber and smoked with incense. Imagine the fragrance that fills up the room. The newlyweds are flanked by replicas of coconut blossoms as they sit together on a dais fit for a king. A gift of "egg flower" is given to the guests to a Malay wedding. Traditionally, it is made by inserting the stalk of artificial flower to an egg. A modern way of making "egg flower" these days is to hang the egg in an attractive way on the stalk of a flower.

The flower with the strangest identity is the national flower of Malaysia, namely, the hibiscus. From here, we are talking about edible flowers. The Malays boiled roots of the white hibiscus to cure a range of diseases such as flu, eye and skin ailments. Chinese used hibiscus juice to colour their hairs while the Portuguese used it to colour their shoes. In view of its usefulness and elevated national status, it is strange there fore that "hibiscus" also refers to an immoral woman in Bahasa Malaysia!

Folks who love blue cheese should be able to understand Malaysians' attachment to their blue-colour rice salad and desserts. The food colouring is produced naturally from the "pea flower". It is of little wonder then, the mention of "pea flower" in Bahasa Malaysia makes one's mouth waters. To spice up the conclusion, cloves are not "just cloves" but the indispensable " clove flowers" in many Malay cuisines.

About the Author

Wan is an ordinary Malaysian who cannot help observing idiosyncrasies in Bahasa Malaysia, for more information on Bahasa Malaysia and flowers, go to

Copyright 2007 - Wan Yee. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active, do not edit the article in any way, give author name credit and follow all

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5 Wedding Do it Yourself Ideas to Help You Save

Weddings are meant to be a happy occasion but can get expensive fast. Hold down the cost and add your own personal touch with wedding do it yourself ideas. Here are five ways to add a little ingenuity and big savings to your big day:

1. Make bows for the end of the pews or row of chairs with wide ribbons. Velvet is a good choice for fall or winter weddings. During Spring or Summer satin would be a more appropriate choice. Intertwine flat lace with the ribbons for a look of eloquence. Attach silk flowers and pearl sprays in the center of the bow with a hot glue gun and your set.

2. Create your own wedding veil. Buy a length of bridal illusion and a comb to attach it to your hair and hat or headpiece to cover the comb. Sew large stitches approximately one inch from the end and gather it tight. Sew veil onto comb and place hat or headpiece on top. Another option is to decorate a wide-brimmed hat with ribbons, pearls and silk flowers.

3. A memorable favor as a gift to guests is appreciated. One good idea is to make a magnetic picture frame with a picture of the newlyweds. You can make a frame by cutting craft foam in the wedding colors. Position it around the photo and glue both the frame and photo to a heavy piece of cardboard. Attach self-adhesive magnet tape to the back of the cardboard. You can decorate the frame with foil stickers and monogram or label with couples' last name.

4. You can make your own bouquets and flower arrangements. For an outdoor wedding you may be able to use wild flowers but research to be certain pedals won't fall off too quick. Bouquets can be arranged using a large clear vase and tie a bow around it.

5. If you think you can handle it decorate your own cake or get someone you know to do it for you. Craft stores and large department stores sell pans and decorating gadgets. You will need a steady hand. It's best to practice before attempting to decorate the wedding cake. Some people are using cupcake wedding cakes and those are easier to decorate than a large cake.

Organizing for a wedding takes a lot of advanced planning and especially if you will be preparing items necessary for it. If saving money is important plan early, be creative and have a beautiful wedding that is more personal and less expensive.

About the Author

I have a site with more money saving ideas if you are planning a wedding. Read about them here: CHEAP WEDDING SAVINGS

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Intimacy Can Save Your Marriage

When your marriage hits rocky waters you must firmly believe that you can save marriage in order to save the marriage. If you don't believe that as fact, then there is nothing you do that will make a blind bit of difference. So right now, believe that it is possible for you to save the marriage.

A common missing ingredient for marriages in trouble is a lack of intimacy. For a marriage to be happy there must be a level of intimacy that goes beyond the physical and wholeheartedly embraces the emotional. Ask yourself this, "does my marriage suffer from a lack of intimacy?"

Are you open and transparent with your spouse? Do you share and include or do you exclude and keep your emotions and emotional needs locked away and try and deal with things on your own? If you exclude your spouse emotionally, then your marriage lacks intimacy and it's time to inject some and get on the road to save marriage.

Make sure that you're making every attempt to share your problems and worries with your spouse. Too often people find themselves worried and preoccupied with a situation. Instead of sharing this situation with their spouse, they decide to try and deal with it on their own. This is a big mistake because it excludes your spouse when you should be including them.

Remember, spouses can very easily sense when something is wrong and if you exclude them, they quickly begin to feel shut out and redundant and that's when hurt can quickly find its way into a marriage.

Another way to inject intimacy into your marriage so that you can save marriage is to make time for your marriage. In this day and age when a thousand and one things can encroach on your time, not making time for your marriage is a surefire way for a marriage to hit trouble. It's no fun discovering that when you were busy carving out a career or focusing your time on attending to the kids, that your marriage just shriveled up and died.

Make sure that if you want to save marriage that you're actively making time for your spouse and your marriage. Once in a while take an impromptu afternoon off and have some fun with your spouse. When your spouse realizes that you value them to the extent of changing your schedule to include them, you will begin to see an improved difference in your marriage.

Creating and fostering intimacy in your marriage so that you can save marriage will take time and is an ongoing process. Don't ever make the mistake of allowing your marriage to be left set on auto-pilot. A healthy and intimate marriage is one that is attended to regularly, only then will it thrive.

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If you are looking to Save Your Marriage, pay us a visit for sound Relationship Advice.

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Marriage Tips for Date Night for Tomorrow Night

Is your marriage in a slump? Is the thrill almost gone? Don't you know that over 50% of all marriages fail and many of those once heavenly relationships don't even make it past the first year's anniversary. Many reasons or situations contribute to the failure of a marriage. The top three high level reasons are: lack of communication or poor communication; financial issues and Marriage Boredom Syndrome. Yes, Marriage Boredom Syndrome (MBS). All of these circumstances can exist in a perfectly healthy and enduring marriage. Listen, put a candle on the table and find a babysitter for the kids! Its' date night time for tomorrow night!

Here are some tips that will give you the medicine to stomp out the number one disease in a marriage: MBS! Is your marriage worth saucing up a little? Can you stand a little imagination for some stimulation?

These are the 5 simple basic steps "Date Night for Tomorrow Night".

1. Take the time right now to think about what positive elements brought you and your partner together before you got married. Let those playful juices of lust, pleasure, and excitement possess your soul. Laugh at yourselves having so much puppy love fun again! When you can laugh - the magic begins! It's Prom Night - Re-Run!!

- This is so critical towards making your Date Night Successful! It's Your Imagination!!! That is what sparked the puppy love magic in the courting days of the relationship! Concentrate on those moments and particular things your partner did that turned you on!! Close your eyes and visualize these moments! The imagination works toward stimulating a "Happy Feeling" long enough to once again day dream about your partner's..woo woo thing! In vision, (men) your women - your girl on the eve of prom night when you started out that day...planning for that special - wonderful - night that you have strategically mapped get you some!! Sounds a little caveman! But it drives the passion and stimulation to put on that Tux, dress up, and get some flowers or something to impress your girl. In vision, (woman) your man - your boy friend, on the eve of prom night when you started out that day...planning for that special - wonderful - night that you have strategically mapped dance, party, eat dinner, hold hands, walk maybe along the sea shore, etc!! You see, men and women often times have different expectations. But, the different mapping initiatives, bridge the excitement of both destination for that evening.

2. Think Prom Night for your Date Night for Tomorrow Night!

Plan the location and event around satisfying each others expectations for that special night out. Write out what you both would like to experience! Make it fun!

3. Pick a Location that is near by, but not down the street!

- Date Nights have different status based on the mapping of the event!! Here is where the fun and imagination can stimulate a routine inexpensive or deep and expensive event!! You know your budget and your timeline. The key is to put on your imagination and plan the event together!! The difference with the Prom of yesterday is that you have better control of the outcome (no parents with curfews).

4. Don't just go To the Movies!! Pick Your Romantic Locations like you would pick a three course meal!! Appetizer, Main Course, and the Desert!!

Think in the three course meal concept and your Date Night Will Be Pleasantly Successful every time.

a. Appetizer - How you get to the date location (Main Course) - the flowers - the little gift (just because I love you gift). Something small maybe or flowers sent to her office or his the day prior to the main course! Use your imagination!! Could be 3-4 day prior to the Main Course (Location). Could be, each other taking turns picking and planning the Main Course! No rules!!

b. Main Course - The date location (Main Course) - Nice Restaurant - Walk on the Beach in the evening - with a summer breeze blowing against your backs - use your creative imagination. The Mystery of that day stimulates the expectations for the Desert!!! No rules!!

c. Desert - Getting Some!! Foreplay - having creative sex!! Listen, you are married!! Have unprotected sex (if you are done with having kids and your system can't produce or you have internal medication for birth control)!! The best thing about marriage is that you can have playful, pleasurable, magnificent sex!! The desert compliments the Appetizer & Main Course! Make it special like a cheese cake is after your main course at the Cheese Cake Factory!! Warm, Sweet, and Sticky!!

5. Make Date Night more then Just Tomorrow Night Make your Date Nights strategic nights throughout the month!! Anticipate these date nights!! Plan your Date Nights!! Make them different kinds of Date Nights! Make them Endless Nights of stimulating puppy love!!! Date Night can be another Prom Night - if you can use your imagination, the magic can flow through your marriage again!

About the Author

You can contact Keith Jarman via his website at or email address at

I always have a word of encouragement, hope, and possibilities!! I am a dreamer who seeks to transition most of my dreams into reality.

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Personalized Bridesmaids Gifts: Thanking Bridesmaids In A Simple Yet Thoughtful Way

With so many tasks needed to be accomplished when planning a wedding, for sure you can't do it alone, a reason why bridesmaids exist. As wedding attendants, bridesmaids are entrusted to assist and help the bride during the pre-wedding stages. Being a bridesmaid doesn't mean you will only stand on her wedding, but your presence will also be needed during the planning and preparation process. Giving all the reasons to compensate the bridesmaids for all the effort and support they have shared, giving them the best gifts is the least you can do to show that you really appreciate them. Bridesmaids are prices as you may think, but it would always be nice to give them something they will remember for a long time.

Since bridesmaids gifts doesn't need to be lavish, there's no need for you to break the bank. All you need to do is to think creatively and practically. Many brides these days are wise when it comes to finding and purchasing gifts for their bridesmaids. Your budget will basically tell what you can afford to buy. Thus, you should plan for it first before buying anything.

One practical idea when giving inexpensive bridesmaids gifts is to consider personalization. As elegant as lavish ones, personalized gift items can even go beyond that point because including your recipients' name or initials shows that you really thought of them and they are special to you. Personalized gifts are more cheaper than those that are not. Why? Because personalized gifts usually in the form of inexpensive items that were enhanced through personalization. Basically, you will need to include your own touch, making it not just another average gift off-the-shelf but a more personal present, thoughtful and worth to be treasured.

Personalized bridesmaids gifts come in a wide variety of choices to choose from. Actually, because almost everything can be personalized these days, finding the best personalized gift items is not that hard to do. Just make sure that you know what are their individual likes and dislikes, hobbies, interests and personalities.

One of the most popular personalized bridesmaids presents are engraved jewelry pieces. Since jewelry is a traditional gift for bridesmaids, but you can add a modern twist on it by adding your personal touch. Depending on your choice, you can select different options of personalization onto your jewelry gifts. You may either engraved their names or include their photos in those little lockets. If you want to give bracelets, choose charmed bracelets that features their birthstone and their other favorites.

Another personalized items you may consider are embroidered handbags. Again choose accordingly and make sure you are getting the most suitable handbags for their wedding attire. Bridesmaids handbags can be personalized tote bags, purses or clutches. Other personalized ideas you may consider are engraved compact mirrors, personalized cosmetic bags, personalized shirts, monogrammed robes, engraved key rings, engraved picture frames and so on. You may either give personalized presents

About the Author

Jnet is an author for a variety of lifestyle issues and topics including weddings. If you're looking for bridesmaids key rings, visit the website and browse their extensive collection. Find bridesmaids gifts to make your wedding extra special!

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What Do I Need To Consider When Selecting A Hi Fi?

Home Audio Systems or HiFis can range from a relatively simple system to the more complicated. The sound quality generally across this range is fairly good.The more complicated systems can consist separate components that include hi fi amplifiers, cd players and even turntables. Nowadays a high performance hifi can be purchased at a reasonable price.

Hi fi systems are generally categorized into three types - micro, mini and midi, with midi systems running the largest. These may include extras like multiple disk playing and many different control options. Hi fi amplifiers are also found in the next size down, which has a similar feature set but a much smaller footprint. Micro hi fi audio systems are much smaller and less powerful, but easier to transport (good for apartment dwellers) and more convenient if you live in a small space.

Remember that no matter what size your hi fi amplifiers and the rest of the system may be, you'll need to keep an eye on price. Suspiciously low priced systems should be avoided, since they lack performance and durability. There are all kinds of brands and wattages to choose from, and multiple playable formats are usually supported. Many hi fi systems can handle MP3 formats and other digital music files, as well as traditional formats. Any good hi fi system should offer this option.

All systems will be made up of the playback device, a set of hi fi amplifiers and a quality set of speakers. These audio systems can just be for music, or, with the right setup, can be part of a great home theater as well. Look for a full range of speakers, including tweeter, bass, mid range speaker and subwoofer, if you're trying to get the best results. After all, a good hi fi amplifier and a good disc player don't make much difference if you don't have a nice set of speakers to go with them.

Most of us who are willing to commit some time, effort and money will be able to either select or create a great home audio system for their given budget. Ensure you are clear on what you what to use the system for - prices are constantly decreasing and technology is becoming more available therefore considerations about integrating a home audio system into a home theater system are now possible on a budget. If you do he research I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised to what is out there for you!

About the Author

Steve Jones is always looking for someone to discuss the pros and cons of the latest home audio and HI Fi Amplifiers that are on the market.

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Methods Of Presenting Art To Others

There are many creative methods that artists use to present their art to the world. The most popular way to display the painting on an easel so that the painting can be viewed by anyone who passes by the window of a shop or those that pass by the artist as they paint in a park surrounded by beautiful trees. The use of an easel to display art is a very popular choice by artists because an easel is portable and an artist can move the art around to be certain that it is noticed by someone.

Some art work is presented to the public through a gallery in an museum of art. The museum will have many works of art that were painted in many time periods and the colorful assortment of textures and applications that are used to apply color will be exceptionally beautiful. The museum curator might choose to add a brass placard under the work of art to inform visitors of the name of the artist and the name that was assigned by the artist.

Some works of art are worth millions of dollars and are protected with ultra-violet lights and security systems. Some art work is so rare that the owner chooses not to put it on public display but might prefer to visit the vault every once in a while to gain pleasure from looking at the images in the painting from time to time. Certain works of art are presented to caretakers for restoration purposes.

Children have creative methods of presenting art to people that visit their home. The children might be quiet and silent for a very long time while their parent is talking and visiting with guests. Then they will bound into a room with a piece of art that they created and colored with their very best efforts behind it. The art is simply handed over to the visitor for viewing and the children will always wait patiently for some sort of approval.

When people give art as a gift they will take great care to wrap it properly. They do not want to damage the surface of the painting with the rigid wrapping papers and they are hesitant to use tissue paper because they fear that the image might transfer onto the paper in some way. The painting will usually be left unwrapped if the frame is too large or the painting is too heavy. When this occurs, people will usually present the art to the person in a gift card with a little note attached as to the location of the painting.

Article Source: ABC Article Directory

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How and Where to Locate Podsafe Music for Podcasts

Nothing really polishes a podcast more than background music or theme music. In the music world, these music segments are referred to as intros and extros. While many enjoy streaming Internet Audio and recording songs they like over the Internet, these songs cannot legally be used in a podcast.

PodSafe Music

Podsafe music refers to music specifically for podcasters. The music is licensed in such a way that podcasters can purchase a license to include the music in a podcast without incurring additional fees or expenses. In order to use traditional music that is heard on the radio in a podcast, podcasters may have to pay royalties for each time the song is played. Some music files licensed under public domain or creative commons are exempt from royalties and these songs are available for use in a podcast, but generally when searching for music to include in a podcast it is probably best to stick with music that is specifically designated as "podsafe".

Where to find Podsafe Music:

Fortunately the popularity of podcasting has spawned an industry of "podsafe" music. All podcasters need is an Internet connection, and they can have access to a variety of songs and musical clips that are deemed podsafe and available for use in podcasts.

Podcast Themes

If you want your podcast to have a distinct sound and you lack the talent to create a theme consider using Podcast Themes. Podcast Themes can create a unique musical theme for your show. Podcasters will own the rights to use the podcast theme and the podcaster will not be required to pay royalties for the themes use in podcasts.

Podsafe Audio

PodSafe Audio promotes music that is licensed under Creative Commons. Musicians can upload their music to the Podsafe Audio website. Podcasters can use the music files in their podcasts, they just need to credit the musician in the podcast, for the musical clip.

Instant Music Now

Instant Music Now provides professional digital quality background theme music for purchase. Podcasters must voice over the music in intervals of 30 seconds or less. In other words podcasters cannot allow any music segments that exceed 30 seconds in length without any additional commentary.


Opuzz provides royalty free music to podcasters. Music clips can be purchased for as low as $ 2.99, there are no additional licensing fees for the use of purchased music clips.


Indie Podcasting podcasts offer a way for webcasters, broadcasters, and podcasters to find quality music content from new Independent and unsigned musicians. The promo podcasts and artist directory contain only 2 minute versions of songs, these clips can be used in podcasts but the artist should be contacted about the clips use. Those wishing to play full versions of the songs on the air or promote them in a podcast should contact Indie Podcasting for additional licensing information.

Sound Effects - Partners in Rhyme

Partners in Rhyme provides royalty free sound effects, that can be downloaded and used in multimedia projects. A note of caution however, podcasters should be aware the Partners in Rhyme website does include a disclaimer, that the sound effects are believed to be in public domain but Partners in Rhyme is not responsible for verification, meaning if you use a sound effect and it violates a copyright you will be responsible.


Neosounds provides royalty free music tracks that start at $ 6.95 per clip and sound effects are available at $ 1.65 per clip. NeoSounds complicates things a bit though; if the licensee uses the music or sound effects in public (as in podcasting), the "Licensee" is required to fill in and submit a cue sheet to a local performing rights organization (PRO). There are no additional fees associated with submission of cue sheets.

Adding music and sound effects to a podcast does not need to be difficult. There are a number of podsafe music directories that allow for podcasters to locate theme music or sound effects to enhance their podcast. This new industry understands the complexity of licensing professional music and the majority of these repositiories provide royalty free music clips for podcasters to use in their shows. Music and show sound effects give show a professional edge and really make it difficult for listeners to discern the difference between a hobby and a studio broadcast.

Article Source: ABC Article Directory

Sharon Housley manages marketing for FeedForAll software for creating, editing, publishing RSS feeds and podcasts. In addition Sharon manages marketing for RecordForAll audio recording and editing software.

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Hiring A Bar Mitzvah DJ: Your Timeline After Bellies Are Full

The following information regards "typical, but flexible timing" of a Bar or Bat Mitzvah Reception. Specifically when hors d'oeuvres are history and the meal has been served. Adults will enjoy a leisurely meal, but kids eat very quickly. They won't stay seated. When they're up and start roaming, it's time to move along:


Most games are "active," with lots of movement. Some are "passive"--I don't want kids running around bumping into waiters with full trays.

Some work best with small groups. Others are suited for larger ones. I've played at Bar or Bat Mitzvah functions with the entire 70-member class on the dance floor. The definition of "boring:" The Limbo with 70 kids going under the stick the first time, 61 the second, 48 the third...Very tedious. (Of course, I can always control how quickly the stick falls or have kids go under with a partner.) But I prefer to incorporate a Limbo into a Conga line during the party. Then adults have fun with it, too. (Invite a chiropractor!)

Besides, there are more imaginative activities available and I want my client's child and his friends to enjoy an original approach. I don't want anyone to leave thinking "been there, done that." Ask your DJ what he offers that's novel.

I mentioned a party with 70 kids. I also performed at a Bar Mitzvah once with just 9 boys in attendance! No girls. No kidding. That one was tougher for me than the large group. But a DJ must work with what he's given. I can't ask you for another 25 children! Your DJ should be able to ad lib his way through any contingency. I usually don't introduce them into my performance, but I did a few magic tricks for that group and adjusted some contests for them. They enjoyed the segment.

When I notice that the adults have finished their meal and are just observing the friends, it's time to move on. Depending on the group's size, 20-30 minutes is sufficient time to explain the rules of, and conduct 3-4 contests. More than that and the adults and kids will get restless and feel "enough already with the games."

TOWARDS THE END OF HOUR 2: A Candlelighting Ceremony is anticipated, so shouldn't be treated casually.

While it's occasionally conducted prior to the meal, I think this is a more logical time for it since it allows for better flow. It's a transition. Bellies are full, games are history, a Hora and dancing are straight ahead. "Candlelighting" isn't mentioned or mandated in the Torah! It's not imperative. However, if you're wavering, it's: (1) a recognition of those closest to you, (2) over in 13 minutes. Or less. (3) a fine photo opportunity and, years from now, you'll cherish those shots. Don't regret not having that picture!

A DJ will often use "Bobby Morganstein's Candlelighting Medley" for up-tempo background music. Even better, ask if he'll customize the music. Have your child say a few words (which you should help write) pertaining to each individual or group that's honored. It can be humorous or heartfelt. Rhyme or prose. But try for something more spirited and thoughtful than, "Bubbie and Zaide, come up and light Candle 1" down to "Mom and Dad, come up and light Candle 13."

Or, have THE CANDLELIGHTERS say something wonderful about your child! They'd LOVE to!

And don't forget the obvious: candles! You'll need 14 tapers (one is the child's "shamash"). Don't use short, thick Sabbath candles, which will look awful. But be sure the tapers are less than 12" (I've seen kids standing behind the cake and hidden by tall tapers. When the photos came out, it looked like they were in a jail cell!)

And why a "Candlelighting" anyway? Rebel! Just after our youngest's Bat Mitzvah we moved into a new home. We purchased a small magnolia tree, made paper leaves and had a "Leaf Tying Ceremony." Then, when we moved, we planted the tree outside her window! Be different. You don't have to move. You have to think.

Your guests have been seated for a while. Time to work off those calories! Playing a Hora now, every seat at every table should be empty. Even non-Jewish guests can be "taught" this easy circle dance and get into the spirit of the occasion. Be sure your child is hoisted in a chair from the center of the circle. Ideally, siblings and YOU get coerced into a ride, too. (Admit it, you can't wait! Besides, those pictures will look great in your album.) Let the DJ get an inner/outer circle going or even have you lead a Hora Bridge (inquire at

HOURS THREE AND FOUR: Party time!! (Think about this: HALF of your affair is already over!)

At wedding receptions, guests usually wait for the newlywed's first dance before they join them on the floor. Your guests will be more reluctant to get up to dance if they see you just "shmoozing" at tables the whole time. They're watching, so get out there and break the ice. You'll feel like the Pied Piper!

Article Source: ABC Article Directory

Joe Pachino has been a Radio & Mobile DJ in Baltimore since 1974 and authored "DJ's Secrets Revealed! How To Select (And Get The Most Out Of) Your Bar or Bat Mitzvah DJ" c 2001, 2007 EMI. It's loaded with constructive, organized and valuable tip$ for Parents. He's performed at well over 1000 Mitzvahs, so take advantage of his experience. (And experiences!) You'll find loads of info and goodies at

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Jennifer Lopez- The Sensational Actress Cum Singer Diva

Jennifer Lopez was born on July 24, 1969 and grew up in the South Bronx, New York to Puerto Rican parents Guadalupe Rodríguez, a kindergarten teacher, and David Lopez, a computer specialist. She has two sisters, Lynda and Leslie. She attended the all girls Preston High School, in the Bronx. She has a Catholic background.

A brief stint at the Baruch College followed but she soon found her bearings and love for dance which overtook everything else. She left the college after one semester and started dividing her time between working in a legal office, dance classes, and dance performances in Manhattan night clubs.

Her initial days were full of struggle. Jennifer Lopez had to perform as a backdrop dancer for several dance shows and music videos including a 1990 episode of Yo! MTV Raps, the New Kids on the Block music video, "Fly Girl" dancer In Living Color in 1990, for Janet Jackson in her 1993 video "That's the Way Love Goes".

The actress started her movie stint with appearance in several made for TV movies like Nurses on the Line: The Crash of Flight 7 and programs such as South Central, Second Chances, and Hotel Malibu. But her 70 mm experience came in the year 1995 with drama movie My Family followed closely by action film Money Train opposite Wesley Snipes.

Jennifer Lopez went on to win rave reviews and nominations for her next performance in movie Selena. In fact she was nominated for “Best Actress - Motion Picture Musical or Comedy" at the 1998 Golden Globes Awards. More movies followed like Out of Sight, The Cell, An Unfinished Life, and Shall We Dance? earning her critical acclaim.

A string of some more moderately successful or not so successful movies later including The Wedding Planner, Maid in Manhattan, Monster-in-Law, Enough and Gigli, Lopez collaborated on the feature film, El Cantante, with her husband singer-actor Marc Anthony in 2007.

Jennifer Lopez also ventured into production with two very successful independent movies, El Cantante and Bordertown. Later she also produced reality show for the MTV by the name of, Dance Life about the lives of six aspiring dancers. She is the executive producer of a miniseries in Univisión named after her CD "Como Ama Una Mujer"(2007).

Her foray into music happened with her debut album in 1999 which was a smash hit. She had taken out since then three more studio albums, J. Lo (2001), This Is Me... Then
(2002), Rebirth (2005) with hit singles like "Waiting for Tonight", "Love Don't Cost a Thing” and "Get Right”. Besides this, she even took out one remix album and a Spanish album. She has also earned various music awards too.

Jennifer Lopez, famous for her personal life, was earlier in the news over her on and off relationship with actor Ben Affleck, with her calling off the wedding just one week before. She is currently married to singer Marc Anthony. The couple recently had twins early this year in 2008.

Want to grab latest Jennifer Lopez Pics And Jennifer Lopez Pictures post her maternity? Feel like reading about more Jennifer Lopez News, then do log on to

Article Source: ABC Article Directory is a renowned portal of interest visited by large number if Jennifer Lopez fans. Site offers easy download of Jennifer Lopez Wallpapers, Jennifer Lopez pics, Jennifer Lopez photos and pictures.

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Rock and Punk Bands Names and Logos

The Ramones. It seems that they were inspired by Paul McCartney, who used Ramone as a surname; then all the members of the band adopted this surname despite not being related.
The logo was designed by Arturo Vega, sometime in the 70s; the concept was based on the Seal of the President of United States of America. The names of the band members replace the original legend around the eagle which holds an apple tree branch and a baseball bat instead of the olive tree branch and the arrows. Vega's inspiration came after seen them performing in Washington DC.

The Who. While brainstorming for a band name, someone proposed 'the who' because apparently that was the most common question every time someone came up with a name.
In 1964, Brian Pike sketched a logo which embraced the zeitgeist of the time: 'Unity' and an 'Uplifting edge', the two 'h's linked together recreate the first feeling, while the arrow does so for the second.

AC/DC. The name was taken literarily from a sewing machine, as something related to power –Alternative Current/Direct Current; others claim that it means 'Anti-Christ Devil's Children'.
As a close friend of the band, Gerard Huerta came up with a recycled version of his own Blue Oyster Clut's logo lettering, adding up the lightning strike.

Led Zeppelin. It was Keith Moon who somehow came up with the name; while talking about the new project, he said it should go over like a lead balloon.
The Angel logo was inspired on William Rimmer's 'Evening of the fall of the Day', which is incarnation of Apollo, the Greek god of the music. This figure was originally intended to characterize their record label 'Swan Song' but ended up being a distinctive band logo.

Iron Maiden. The Iron Maiden was a torture device, similar to a cabinet, where the victim remained standing while being interrogated and stabbed; the most famous one looked alike to Mary, the mother of Jesus.
The stylish style used in the band-name logo reminds the endings of a V-shaped guitar, which was another characteristic element of the band. The band also used to include a mascot in their tours and albums covers called 'Eddie'.

Guns N Roses. The name is a direct allusion to Traccii and Axl's surnames Guns and Rose. And so is the logo, a beautifully achieved arrangement of guns and roses.

The Rolling Stones. It is accepted that the band was named after a song by Muddy Waters.
The pop art pair of lips and tongue is by far the most recognized band logo ever. Originally drafted by John Pasche in 1971 and included hidden away in the cover for 'Sticky Fingers', it sooner became the icon of the band.

The Sex Pistols. The name was introduced by McLaren who used to own a punk clothing shop called 'sex'.
Jamie Reid's anti-esthetical collage made of pieces of newspapers forming the band's name went accordingly with the band's ideology, anarchy.

Article Source: ABC Article Directory

SugarBullets, the house of Amplified band t-shirts.

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Rising Popularity Of Harry Potter Audio Books

People all around the world have now heard of the Harry Potter (HP) series of books and there are huge numbers of fans, children and adults alike populating the earth. The latest book has only been named and does not have a date for publish, yet it is already on some online sites top seller lists as huge amounts of people have pre-ordered both the books and audio book versions of the story.

Each and every one of the Harry Potter books has been a bestseller and the audio book versions do not seem to be an exception. The Harry Potter audio books are incredibly valuable in homes that consist of more than one fan and as most parents do not wish to buy the same expensive book twice in order to save their children from arguing about who gets to read it first, they are now turning to the HPr audio books so that the whole family can enjoy the stories at the same time.

The books tend to be long and many parents do not have the time to read the books in entirety to their children which is another reason why parents are buying the books in audio format.

Pros and Cons of Purchasing the Harry Potter Audio Books

A lot of children are demanding the Harry Potter audio books in addition to the regular books as they simply want as much of Harry's merchandise as possible. After reading the long books for the first time, they may then be content to listen to the tale being told by another person and if their parents do not have the time to spend reading aloud then the HP audio books can be a worthwhile solution. However, some children are only interested in the Harry Potter audio books to the detriment of actual reading books. This can be a drawback as some of them are less likely to get into the habit of reading paper books and so stick to listening to someone else read the books instead.

One of the best things about the original Harry Potter series is that it does encourage children to want to read and can get them started into a good lifetime habit of reading. However, the audio book versionss can sometimes take this good point away by making it easy for the children to become slightly lazy about reading and get used to listening instead of attempting to read the book for themselves.

On the other hand, listening to a Harry Potter audio book is most definitely better than sitting around watching television and many young children like to fall asleep listening to the audio versions of their favorite books.

Article Source: ABC Article Directory

Eddie Lamb publishes an abundance of information on a range of topical subjects. With the amount of information now available to the discerning researcher, we believe a better understanding your area of interest helps your decision making process immensely. You'll find a host of useful information about digital downloadable products at Harry Potter Audio Book.

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Download Great Music That's Legal, Safe, and Free

Public domain iPod downloads are becoming pretty popular as people look to bolster their music collections without opening their wallets. These downloads are generally fairly easy to find, but what are they exactly and what makes them legal?

Public domain downloads of music files can be readily found on the Internet from a variety of sources. They are by their nature fair game for sharing without the need for paying a licensing fee. A song reaches the public domain and becomes fair game for an iPod download and other forms of sharing when its copyright runs out. The means whoever held the copyright either chose not to get it renewed or was no longer alive to do so.

Songs in the public domain that are available for iPod download include a lot of old time favorites and even many from more modern times. The truth is there are literally thousands of songs that can be found in the public domain. Downloading these for iPod use and other formats is perfectly legal and doesn't have to involve a charge.

Let's look at some of the best places to find iPod downloads that are in the public domain:

Sites that specialize in public domain files. There are lots of sites on the Internet that specialize in researching and finding public domain media. These include everything from the iPod downloadable format songs to TV episodes and movies.

There are even cartoons that can be found in the public domain for iPod downloads. These sites typically are free for people to use and will rely either on a donation for their operation or ads that are sold to keep the site up and running.

Package deal sites. Many sites that specialize in iPod downloads by the package price will also offer high-quality downloads of public domain songs. While it's technically true you'll be paying for the download in the overall price, these sites make the songs easier to obtain along with paid downloads since they are all in one place.

These sites are great for overall iPod downloads, too, because they package everything together and make it easy for fans to find the songs they desire to have with them on the go.

Download by the song sites. Some sites that provide a per song download service for iPod downloads also have free sections. Within these often can be found songs that are in the public domain. These will generally be offered up to give potential users of the paid downloads an idea of how the service works and the quality of the downloads they will be obtaining.

There are a host of sites available that offer iPod downloads that are both paid and free. Anyone with an MP3 player and a love of music is sure to find a site that fits their personal needs. The important thing in dealing with iPod downloads is to remember these files can be fun and nothing beats download music for having songs on the go, but that not all files are legal to download.

Do some background checking if you're not sure on a site, but generally if an iPod download involves a song in the public domain, you're more than okay in getting it for free.

Article Source: ABC Article Directory

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Education promotes creative thinking

Many people just think they are not creative. However many people are born with an element of creativity in them but over time it is not utilised and becomes redundant. However, the combination of encouraging teachers and willing parents it is possible to encourage your child to not only maintain but develop a create thought pattern as they grow up. This article highlights 6 steps to creative thinking and how to encourage it in your child.

1. Build on any opportunities
Set a well designed plan and make the most of any opportunity that your child shows a creative spark. Encourage them to do well and praise them when they show you their work. Be careful not to smother them as it may become too over bearing.
2. Small changes = big difference
Giving your child the chance to be creative is great but giving them options and allowing them to make choices can be an invaluable way to allow them think along different trains of thought.

3. Set targets
give your child a some clear objectives of what you them to achieve. Limiting their choice of materials will also encourage them to become a little move inventive with the ideas.
4. Set them a task with out a clear outcome
This will enable them to discover that all questions can't be answered with a right or wrong answer.
5. Let the children drive you
Their ideas might be a little unconventional but allow them to go with it and see where it takes them. You will be surprised at how capable they are at lateral thinking.
6. Questions
Encourage your child not only to find answers for the questions but to question the answers. This should bring about a thirst for knowledge and get them exposed to more information.

Exploring as many avenues as possible is the key to your childs development. You may even find that this not only opens their creativity but their thirst for knowledge, and might see them embarking on a college education and maybe even a university education.

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This article was written by Tom Sangers on behalf of Northampton College who offer Colleges in Northampton.

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The Role of the Distance Learning Teacher

With the increasing popularity of online education, due to advancing technologies and an increase in funding for universities to offer distance learning, the role of the teacher, instructor, or lecturer in modern higher education is certainly changing. But with a greater input of technology upon a student’s education, is the competency and overall quality of the teacher becoming less important?

In his essay, Distance Learning: Promises, Problems, and Possibilities (2002), Doug Valentine describes, ‘instructors and their attitudes towards teaching in a distance-learning environment as a major potential roadblock to effective distance education,’ because, ‘the instructor can set the tone for learning in the educational environment.’ In response to this, it therefore seems of great importance, aside from having the knowledge to utilize the technology for the delivery of education, that he/she must also be eager and confident by his new means for teaching. Following this idea, The University of Florida also published a paper entitled A Teachers Guide To Distance Learning (1995). This essay calls for distance learning technology to ‘be as invisible as possible,’ endorsing the notion that it is simply a means or “tool” on offer to aid the delivery of education.

A problem highlighted by Valentine is noticeable here. There are two differing opinions as to what is the exact purpose of distance learning. The first, as stated by Schlosser and Anderson in 1994, is to offer ‘an experience as much like that of traditional, face-to-face instruction as possible. Whilst the second opinion, that of Bates (1995), is that ‘it should be used to improve instruction.’ Depending on which of the above is to be adopted by the institution, it seems that the quality, competency, and connection between teacher and student should be of the utmost importance for the former. However, if a better education system is required than that of the traditional form, then the position and actions of the instructor may be quite different.

For a distance learning course to be more successful than a traditional learning programme, it seems that the role of the teacher should be more in line with the instruction of The University of Florida. For example, the UoF highlights four adaptations, the first is to establish ‘effective strategies for implementing small group activities and individual practice.’ The second is to hone ‘techniques for maximizing teacher/student and student/student interactions.’ The third is to establish ‘successful approaches for integrating technology into the teaching/learning process. And the final method for adaptation is to implement ‘tactics for motivating students at a distance.’

The role of the distance learning instructor is no doubt changing in comparison to that of the traditional lecturer. However, where an institution is seen to be implementing the most radical changes and newest technologies, today’s distance learning instructor has as much accountability to his students, and a further responsibility to the future advancement of education in general.

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Sarah Maple writes about online courses and home learning

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Equipping Your Ceramic Workshop

For making ceramic you do not need a big and heavy machine. You can easily collect all the tools from nearby market or it may be available in your home. In the following article you will find what the things that you need to collect.

Here's a list of materials you will find useful in your workshop: an inexpensive rolling pin which can be purchased at most chain stores and toy shops: pie plates: toothpicks; building plaster; an orange stick; a piece of ordinary, unsoaped steel wool; a sheet of grade 00 sandpaper; a paring knife; a scraper or spatula; a coarse sponge and a small facial sponge; some crocks or large Mason jars. You probably have most of these things already in the home.

A plastic or crockery pitcher will also find use in the workshop, as will a galvanized pail and a few cheap mixing bowls. If a pitcher is not readily available, you can substitute a large tin can with a lacquered inner surface. By pinching the rim of the lidless can, you will form a pouring spout.

If you plan to do much work with solid clay, it will be worth while to make yourself a wedging wire. Before clay is shaped it must always be wedged. This is a method of mixing a mass of clay thoroughly by cutting it in half and slamming the two pieces together on the work surface with the cut edges in opposite directions. This is done in order to remove all air pockets and holes which would cause a piece to explode when fired, and to secure an even consistency.

A wedging wire is used to slice blocks of clay into two. Of course a knife can be used, but not as handily or effectively. This device is easily constructed by attaching dowel handles to the ends of a 12-inch piano wire, about 18 gauges.

The more ambitious ceramist can go a step further and build a wedging board, which serves the same purpose but is a more permanent fixture in the workshop. You can make a simple one by constructing a 6-inch deep wooden box measuring about 15x26 inches, and fastening at the back an upright post measuring about 1x2x18 inches. At the top of the vertical rod, secure a piece of non-rusting wire, not thinner than 12 gauge. The other end of the wire is stretched to the front of the box and fastened taut. Use a turnbuckle or a wing nut to tighten the wire.

The wedging board should be weighted by filling the box with plaster (mixed, perhaps, with gravel or small rocks). When using the board to cut clay, always start under the wire and draw the clay toward you. Thus, any bit of clay flicked out by the wire will be thrown away from you rather than hitting you in the face.

You must have to maintain more carefulness while using these tools, it may cause you harm if not used as it is to be. After creating things by your own self it will give you more pleasure and happiness than buying from market, no matter whether it is in perfect shape or not.

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Mitch Johnson is a regular writer for , ,

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The Design Behind Web Design Courses

Web design courses teach how to design and develop websites. For many the thought of designing a website is an intimidating one. However, various web design courses available today teach the basics of website designing in a very simple and easy to follow manner.

Types Of Courses

Certain courses are designed for aspiring web design professionals. These are individuals who have an eye for art and layout and wish to make a career out of designing websites.

Other simple courses target the average individual who just wants to make a website for personal interest.

What Do Web Design Courses Teach?

In both type of courses the basics of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and web design are taught. It is important that your website looks attractive and a visitor is encouraged to follow links and click on other pages of your site. This is very essential if you wish to attract advertisements to your website and also if you are trying to sell a product through your site.

A website design course will teach you how to do all of this. Some of the main subjects which feature on the curriculum include:

- Organization and planning the layout of the website. Cluttered sites full of information in hard to read font and font size put off the reader.
- Planning color schemes, use of frames and graphics. It will provide information on the advantages and disadvantages of using background colors, the pros and cons of graphics, the use of moving objects such as banners, etc.
- Basics of publishing on the internet
- Basics of computer graphics and design
- Effective navigation
- Issues relating to web security and administration
- Training on how to create links between documents
- Information on how to create tables and forms
- Training on site management
- Training in specific web design technologies and software
- Training in action scripting software
- Training on how to increase speed of your site
- Information on how to assist visitors with completing tasks such as filling up forms on the website

Where Can You Find A Web Design Course?

Given that these courses teach individuals how to design websites, the obvious answer to this question is "online". All web design courses are by no means similar. While you search for an appropriate course which will meet your needs, you will notice that the website will prompt you for details. You will be asked about the level of a course you want to undertake such as a certificate or a degree course.

How Do These Online Courses Work?

Once you sign up for a course, your progress through the program is similar to any other online learning program. You will have tutorials, class assignments and interactive sessions with your tutors. You will receive feedback and will need to complete projects and finally appear for the certificate examination.

A good web design course can open up a number of exciting and challenging career opportunities for you.

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James Copper is a writer for where you can find information on web design training courses

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Why Today's Education Systems Needs Time Management Tips for Classrooms

As more and more students going for higher education learning, the lack to have a proper study group is ever crucial than before.

Let's take a look at this scenario.

Does this sound like you? You are running around from classes to classes. You have to be present tonight's convention and you maintain to be back at your dorm to study for the test in tomorrow's morning class. You told your acquaintance you would stop by his dorm room sometime in the evening. You also have to write that short essay on the last president of the United States.

If you are having burden managing your time, you probably need to learn something about time management. More specifically, you want targeted time management tips for classroom.

How you cherish your time?

You have your friends, parties, exams and many other things going on. You have your studying, which has to take place because your dad won't pay for classroom if you don't pass with a certain grade.

You wish to be able to have the classroom life like anyone else, but you just don't seem to have enough time in the day. That's the problem. You can't change the amount of time in your day.

You can change the way you manage your time. Time management tips for classroom students is not only about getting all your work done - it is also about managing your free time so you can actually enjoy the time you are there.

The tips requires that you balance your responsibilities and interests between learning, socializing and sports. You can see the best of both worlds, and be prospering at both as well.

Time management for classroom students is often just about education - however, you have to see time for yourself as well, so not only your family is happy but so are you.

Do you that that your classroom is an excellent time to activate managing your own life and building a foundation for success. And all of that comes down to good time management skills to prepare you for the corporate world.

What is your time management strategy?

Your strategy is finally going to forge you a successful person. You can certainly accomplish everything in your life, and you can use time management techniques or strategies in everyday life as well. This is information that will help throughout your life.

By valuing your time now you will have an edge on everyone else who are probably too busy running around trying to managing unimportant and inconsequential tasks to attend that they are wasting a whole lot of their time.

Time management for classroom life is about make smart choices, and is definitely about balancing your individual and academic life - not about choosing one over the other.

Even though, you may now realise that why most student should need a time management tip for classroom, but all words no actions is entirely does not make your goals come true.

Take action now is the most right thing to do if you want you goals realized.

Without an effective and proper time management system, there will not be much goal-oriented lifestyle to hope for.

Understanding the fact of a good time management tip that are easy to follow and implement and now allowing you to side-track is really allowing you to enjoy your life once again.

So, please don't wait any longer before giving another excuse to realize your education goals again.

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About the Author

Eddy Kong WW is the author of the 17 Minutes Time Management Secrets. Drop by at needs time management tips for classrooms for more details.

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