Car Stickers Are Back! The auto graphic decal revolution

Car Stickers have made an amazing return to the bumpers, rear-lites (back windscreens) and panels of vehicles all over the country. Find out here just what the sticker-rush is all about...

You can't drive five metres without seeing a frangipani or the multiple frangipani sticker set! And for the daring, these the pair of eyes sticker, staring back at you from the boot of some hot car. Where are all these top car stickers coming from? Search google for window stickers and you'll see - the internet! But the internet doesn't design them, people do, so we're looking deeper into why this craze has taken off:

New designs rip through the market
Designers have been working hard to spark the interest of young drivers, and their success has led to some pretty awesome designs. Sure there's the frangipani for the peace-loving earthy type, but how about the red back sticker? Australian icon and available in all sizes. The gecko lizard sticker and frog sticker are also among the favorite decals by locals.

The great range of fun stickers has also led to some pretty imaginative places to stick them! 4WD wheel covers look great with a little sticker personality, and true custom sticker makers even airbrush the spare tyre wheel covers for you!

Individuality - are you factory-made?
The moment you've been waiting for... You finally take delivery of your brand new little 'beep beep'. It's nothing but sparkle. Perfect metallic paint in that brilliant color you spent ages deciding on - making sure it was perfect.

So you proudly roll it out of the garage, only to find that 30 other people in your neighborhood made the exact same choice! Where's your individuality? You car isn't just a ride, it's YOUR RIDE, a part of you.

That's where a stylish little mark, something distinctly you can separate your ride from the fleet of cars that look like factory-made soldiers. You can choose (and buy online) from hundreds of designs which range from discreet and professional to loud and out there!

There's nothing daggy about tasteful swirls or lines in well-designed car graphics and stripes. And the instructional videos available with the DIY do-it-yourself kits mean it's a breeze to apply yourself. Of course, if you can afford the extra few bucks, just tick the box and have an installer contact you - they're mobile and service all parts of the country!

Hot rods
Ferrari has proven beyond a doubt that red goes faster, however the latest studies are revealing an exciting trend:

GT Stripes improve a car's performance by 180%!!!

Sure, they make you drive faster, but what about the ooh's and aahh's from the audience!!! That's where the performance stats really count, so why not GT your ride?

You can't go past lining a sporty falcon with some GT stripes, and several variations are available, as well as custom designs being created every week! But the VE Commodore also looks HOT with some bonnet GT stripes.

Recently the Suzuki Swift has been a real GT winner as well - these smart little cars are blow-away when GT striped and the range of colors you can stripe them in means you maintain your individuality but become a part of the GT club!

Did you know even a Mitsubishi Magna can double it's performance with GT Stripes? Check out if you don't believe me...

Car Stickers are definitely back! Look out for the auto graphics decal revolution!!

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About the Author

Mike Jarvis is the chief designer of car stickers at He's been in the business for decades but hates to give away his age - so if you're going to ask him any questions, ask him about the GT Stripes he designs, or his favorite airbrushed decal, the wedge-tailed eagle, affectionately known as the 'Wedgie'.


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