Introduction to the Paint Shop Manager

When most people think of a paint shop, it’s common that they think of the paint shop of an assembly line, as with the manufacturing of new cars. Although this is likely to be the most common instance where a paint shop is used, it is not the only one. In any manufacturing environment where a product requires painting, the need for a paint shop exists. Whether it’s new car manufacturing, a new paint job, body repair, or a hobby or craft, a paint shop tends to be separate from that of the manufacturing environment.

No paint shop environment is complete without a paint shop manager. No matter what the reason, it’s important that someone be in charge to make the operation run smoothly. Not only that, but if the paint shop is either part of a body shop or a shop that repaints cars, it’s important that someone set the standards for both quality and timeliness. In order to keep the business running smoothly and efficiently, the paint shop manager must oversee all parts of the operation and make sure that only quality goes into the product. This is especially true of body work where it’s important that the paint must match the factory colour so that any prior damage is not noticeable. In a new car paint shop, it’s important that the paint match the factory specifics for paint colour on each model.

In addition to quality, the paint shop manager is also responsible for setting production standards that guarantee work will be completed in a timely fashion. On the assembly line, workers are expected to turn out as many as sixty cars per hour, so that means the paint shop must be able to keep up with those quotas. The paint shop manager must be able to set quotas for his workers that will coincide with that of the manufacturing line so that when vehicles leave there, the paint shop is ready to do their job. In other types of paint shops, the job of the paint shop manager may not be as defined as overwhelming, but in the auto industry, both quality and quantity are of equal importance.

The paint shop manager must always be in touch with the production line management so that he knows how to direct his workers. He also must make certain that all supplies are stocked as needed and that there are no unnecessary delays in the painting process. Whether it’s hobby or production, both quality and quantity are uppermost in the mind of the paint shop manager.

(ArticlesBase ID #102355)
Richard Taylor Edwards

Richard Taylor Edwards, Managing Director of Talisman Executive Resourcing, the leading employment agency that offers automotive and construction jobs in the UK.


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